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Helpline Number 07920 115 305
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Addiction Help in Lancashire

How we can help you

Drug addiction is a physical and psychological problem, which responds to supportive therapy and medical treatment. Steve Pope Associates’ treatment programme is administered by a multi-disciplinary team, highly qualified and experienced in the treatment of chemical dependency.

Our 3-Stage Addiction Programme (Drugs & Alcohol)

1. An initial period of monitored detoxification during which our patients are given medical help from local doctors and the sympathetic encouragement they need from counsellors to achieve withdrawal from drugs and alcohol.

2. The addict is educated about the reasons for their chemical dependency, and given appropriate therapy and counselling together with the means to rebuild and rehabilitate. The approach is three-fold: our counsellors address thought processes, behaviour and feelings; we recognize inner conflicts; and we will share with you new ways to deal with, and alleviate, distress - and manage those situations that elicit cravings.

3. Group therapy and counselling helps the patient share their experiences with others with similar addiction problems. Talking with professionals dedicated to treating chemical dependency will help them emerge from illness and addiction and begin life again.

Day by Day

The road to recovery starts from a very frightening place for all concerned: the people with addictions, their colleagues and associates, and their family and loved ones.

Our goal is to get our clients into actual recovery, not just sobriety. We help clients understand their illness and learn to with live it. With our counsellors’ help you will get the care you deserve and find the path to a better place. The treatment does not end once the addict completes the course. Rehabilitation therapy is followed by a support programme, which involves family and friends, so that the patient receives informed and constructive encouragement day by day. By involving those who are closest to the addict the benefits of our 3-Stage Addiction Programme extend into everyday life.

If you think we can help you, pick up the phone and call 07920 115 305 now.


Anxiety & Depression

Counselling with Steve Pope Associates from their clinic in Lancashire will encourage you to challenge negative beliefs, which in turn will help change self-defeating feelings and destructive behaviours.


People get anxious in a huge variety of situations, for instance taking exams, speaking in public or meeting new people. A moderate amount of anxiety can be useful as it can make us more alert and focused, thus improving performance and concentration. However, if anxiety is out of proportion, or goes on too long, it becomes a problem; when this happens we tend to want to escape from the situation – or avoid it altogether - to end the anxiety. Consequently, we do not conquer our anxiety.

This creates a classic vicious circle: the anxiety persists and gets worse - it is sometimes called ‘the fear of fear’. Gradually we grow to avoid more things and lose confidence. But avoiding a stressful situation prevents us from learning how to cope. With the help of our counsellors it is better to face your fears; they will show you how to control the symptoms of anxiety rather than allow it to take control of you. Anxiety may be linked to depression, another illness we treat.


Depression is an illness that manifests itself in many ways and often causes persistent unhappiness and distress. You may experience negative feelings such as hopelessness, loss of confidence or feelings of guilt, which may be triggered by trauma such as bereavement, relationship breakdown or unemployment. It has the potential to affect anyone, although certain people are more susceptible than others. It is believed that one in six people suffer from depression at some stage in their lives, so if you are a sufferer you are not alone.

Depression counselling can help people work through their problems. We will give you advice and techniques - in plain English - to use in everyday life which will help you look forward and outward rather than to the dark past.

Our counsellors will also help you develop your social skills so that your connection to the wider community can be better fulfilled, help you draw on your own resources, encourage you to think about your problems in more empowering ways and increase your self confidence.



We help with all relationship issues from our Lancashire base, not just between couples but also within families and in the work place.

Unfortunately, couples too often see counselling as a last resort. The time to go for relationship counselling is when the channels of communication between you are increasingly difficult - before the situation seems futile. The earlier you look for help the greater the chance of success. Sometimes the answers (often clear to an objective professional) are missed by people too close to the problem to identify them.

We have had great success with our relationship counselling, helping people maintain lasting, healthy relationships as well as correcting negative behaviour patterns that can cause problems.

We help improve the interaction between couples by developing listening, problem-solving and communication skills within that partnership. We also look at encouraging the modification of behaviour patterns that may have a negative effect on the relationship.

Our counsellors will give you time to talk and the chance to be heard; a chance too to look at your relationship from different viewpoints in a friendly, supportive, non-judgmental environment.

© Steve Pope Associates 2009
Steve Pope Associates | Unit 6B Darwin Court | Hawking Place | Bispham | Blackpool | Lancashire | FY2 0JN | Tel: 01253 593377 | Email: